There's a search box above the main list of jobs numbers that lets you quickly get to a job if you know which one you're looking for.
However if you want to find historical data where the job number isn't necessarily known, or there have been multiple trips to the same site then you can use SurvAid's searchable map to find for data recorded by your company based on place name or postcode.
Watch this YouTube video to see it in action or read on...
This feature can be found under the "Map" section of the left navigation.
Search Paramaters
Enter any place name or postcode into the search bar at the top and the system will attempt to find a match. If there are multiple results found, a drop down menu appears so you can choose the relevant option.
In addition to the location, the results can be filtered by the following paramaters:
data type
maximum number of results
radius in miles from the centre point of the location result
whether to limit results to the current country
Displaying Search Results
If there are multiple results in close proximity compared to the scale of the map, they will be arranged into "clusters" that show the number of records in that area.
Clicking on a cluster will zoom the map into that particular area. If the zoom level is sufficient to show individual data points then they will display in a similar way to the map view of a job detail area, otherwise there will be more visible clusters until you drill down to the data you are interested in.
Clicking on an individual marker on the map will take you to the detail view for that particular record where you can view, edit or export the data.