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Viewing Uploaded Data

How to navigate around and see data uploaded from mobile apps

Jimmy avatar
Written by Jimmy
Updated over a week ago

Working with Job Numbers

All data in SurvAid is organised by job number.

These are detected automatically by the system from the data that gets uploaded from mobile apps, and the first screen you come to after logging in gives you a list of all the job numbers in descending order.

There's a search box above the list so you can quickly find the job number you're after.

Viewing Data Within A Certain Job

Clicking on a job number will take you to the data for that particular job. The data type can vary, depending on what apps have been used out in the field e.g. it could be PGMs that have been recorded, Manhole Inspections that have been carried out, or a mixture.

Whichever type of data is uploaded for the job, SurvAid will adapt the view accordingly.

In this example, we're looking at Manhole Inspection data. Survey data can be viewed either as a list or a map, and as with job numbers there's a search box to help you quickly locate the data you're looking for.

In the list view, you can see high level data such as who uploaded the records, the date it was collected and whether it's been checked/exported.

Viewing Individual Data Records

Clicking on an item in the list or on a map will take you to the details for that particular piece of data.

In this view you can see all the information that has been collected on-site. This will comprise of text that has been entered or choices from drop down menus, and any photographs, sketches or diagrams that have been created as well.

Clicking on any images will open them up in a larger view so you can see them in more detail.

Down the right hand side of the screen there's an audit trail of who did what when i.e. who recorded the data, who uploaded it, who has edited it along the way etc.

As you can see, in the case of manholes there can be quite a large amount of data to view, especially if there are lots pipes or ducts!

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